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Day trip from Porec to national park Plitvice Lakes

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PlitviceIf you are on holidays in Porec, you are of course not excluded from seen the largest tourist attraction in Croatia, the national park Plitvice lakes, below we have listed the option you have in related to visiting Plitvice on a day trip, or with overnight stay.

  1. Car: first, and most properly the easiest options is to go by car. The shortest route goes via, Pazin, Rijeka, and then the highway towards Zagreb, to the exit point to Plitvice Lakes, this route has a total length of 245 km and an estimated travel time of 3 hours and 25 minutes. On parts of the road toll fees apply. The alternative route goes via, Pazin, Rijeka and then down the coast to Senj, this route has a similar length but an estimated travel time of 3 hours and 45 minutes. Toll fees on this route apply from Pazin to Ucka tunnel. If you need to rent a car or a minibus for the trip you can do so in the centre of Porec, here you find a selection of car rental offers available from Porec.

  1. Second options is to book an excursion from Porec, if you search the internet, you should be able to find several companies offering excursion, alternative you can visit a local agency once in Pula. – Price for a full day trip to Plitvice is should be around 70 Euro.

NP Plitvice

  1. Bus, the bus connection is not suitable for a day trip to the national park, in fact is not even a good option for a trip with overnight, travelling with bus from Porec to Plitvice lakes is really not recommendable, travel time is long, departures few (with several hubs). So unless you insist on travelling with public bus, you should pick one of the other options.

Visiting Plitvice lakes with overnight stay

If your travel schedule allows it, I would highly recommend that you plan to stay overnight by the Plitvice lakes, the nature is amazingly beautiful, not only within the park borders, but generally in the region around Plitvice. Where to stay? Well inside the park area, you have several hotels, but you also have plenty of affordable private accommodation with in a range of 10 km from the national park, my personal favourite is San Korana. Click on the Icon here so see a large selection of accommodation units in Plitvice.





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